Entertainer, DJ/MC, Poet, Philosopher, Life-Coach, Creator of Eclectic Content, and more.
"I work to lighten spirits & brighten the world by finding bright spots in dark places,
and the humor & absurdity of the plain & mundane. "
-Rofay Mishaguyas-
9 Quick Happiness Tips
11 Things To Remember, Always
27 Strenuous Activities That Don't Require Much Physical Effort
Cats VS Crows - NO Animals were harmed in the making of this video.
The "Reason for the Season"...
The Holiday Season is upon us! Take a moment to watch this video and be reminded what is the real "Reason for the Season."
"Ask A Stupid Question Day"
September 28 is "National Ask A Stupid Question Day. In 2023, I asked my Facebook followers for some "stupid questions." Here are their questions and my answers.
"National Storytelling Day"
October 5th is "National Storytelling Day." Back in 2020, I recorded this tantalizing and (maybe) terrifyingly bad story... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
"A Rich Man"
Back in 2014, I wrote and performed an original monologue for a competition. In this monologue, I discuss my father, my childhood and growing up, and the parallels between my father and I ...all with verses from the song "If I Were A Rich Man" from the play "Fiddler On The Roof" intertwined. I hope you find it to be as powerful and memorable as the audience did that day.
I Should Have Listened
Should we listen to those around us, or not? You decide.
"Road Raging Love"
I used to get enraged by tailgaters. But then I changed how I view them. Now I view them with "Road-Raging Love"
You might find this one funny... or think it really stinks and wanna just flush it from your memory... butt... I hope you still laugh.
"Chairs... with Wheels"
I was in the hospital one day when I heard someone come in and say something that left me saying, "Why would you do THAT...?!?!" The figures of speech we use sometimes don't really fit the circumstances, if we stop to think about our words for just a moment.
"How to deal with Holidays (like Valentines Day) even if you're single"
with Rofay Mishaguyas
Feb 14, 2024 #mishaguyas
Like many of you, I really don't care for holidays, but especially holidays that rub our faces in relationships we don't have. Sure, Valentines Day is a biggie, but there are all the other ones through the year that push a "family agenda" and alienate those of us without good relationships, whatever those relationships may be. How do we deal with those? How can we deal with them in ways that bring us love and happiness? It took four divorces, and accepting the idea that I may never find "that perfect someone" and embrace the idea that I could be alone for the rest of my life, before I really realized the keys to happiness, which I'll share with you, today.
This is "Rofay Raw" with no real special editing or effects, just me with a mobile device... so sorry for that audio... but I was also REALLY dizzy when I recorded this, and just recorded "streams of thought." Nevertheless, I hope you find this powerful and life changing.
No #mishaguyas
Rofay Mishaguyas is a neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD), non-binary, asexual entertainer, and content creator. Rofay got started on the radio in 2010 with a 2 hour radio show called "FUN ZONE" where Rofay played silly, funny, feel-good songs and comedy clips, as well as inspiring, uplifting, encouraging songs.
The name "Rofay Mishaguyas" is an honorarium for the DJ/Radio Personality known as "Doctor Demento," who inspired the show Rofay was starting. Doctor Demento was retiring from radio as Rofay was starting the program. "Rofay" comes from the Hebrew word for "Doctor" or "healer," and "Mishaguyas" is from the Yiddish word meaning "craziness, silliness, insanity, non-sense" etc.
Eventually Rofay moved on to stage acting, doing mostly comedy/farce but also drama. That expanded to doing some short film. Currently Rofay is primarily an online entertainer, but is open to returning to stage and film.
Rofay Mishaguyas has an A.A. in Theatre Arts, a B.A. in Film and Theatre Production, and an Honorary Doctorate from The Narnin School of Nonsensationalism. Rofay is in the US in the Mountain Time Zone, and works to try and heal the world through laughter, inspiring people, getting people to consider different perspectives and views other than their own, lifting people up, and trying to be a bright spot in a dark world. Rofay Mishaguyas also writes and does media production.
Rofay uses either "Rofay" as a pronoun, or the neo-pronouns "Yo/Yos" which are newer versions of the neo-pronoun "co/cos" coined by Mary Orovian.
Entertainer, DJ/MC, Poet, Philosopher, Life-Coach, Creator of Eclectic Content, and more.
"I work to lighten spirits & brighten the world by finding bright spots in dark places, and the humor & absurdity of the plain & mundane. "
-Rofay Mishaguyas-